Page 50 - victoria_kat_2016_cz_crop
P. 50

Universasurface cleaning spray                        Universacleaning wipe
                                                                                                                     COMPUTER ACCESSORIES

                                                                A1                       A2

                                                               Š Š contains 100 pieces of cleaning wipes
                                                               Š Š drenched with cleaning liquid, suitable
                                                               Š Š for cleaning the plastic surfaces of
                                                               Š Š screens, PC devices, computer cases,
                                                               Š Š keyboards, telephones or other devices
         Š Š suitable for efficiently removing the dried       Š Š resealable cover
          contaminations from the plastic and metal            Š Š environmentally friendly (alcohol-free)
         Š Š surfaces of computers and office devices          Š Š less chemicals are used during the
         Š Š anti-static and non-flammable                     Š Š manufacturing of the product
         Š Š less chemicals are used during the manufacturing of the product  Š Š non-flammable
         Š Š recommended to use with VICTORIA lint-            Š Š B
          free cleaning wipes (TTIVKE)
                                                                 product             pcs/pack             order code
            product                                  order code  A1 universacleaning wipes  100             TTIVUN
          A  universasurface cleaner                  TTIVMU   A2 universacleaning wipes  60               TTIVUN60

         „Green” universacleaning wipe                         Antistatic cleaning foam

         Š Š contains 100 pieces of cleaning
          wipes drenched
         Š Š with cleaning liquid, suitable for cleaning the   Š Š high-efficiency cleaning foam
         Š Š plastic surfaces of screens,                      Š Š suitable for cleaning the plastic and
          PC devices, computer                                 Š Š metasurfaces of computers and
         Š Š cases, keyboards, telephones or other devices     Š Š other office devices
         Š Š resealable cover                                  Š Š excellent for cleaning rough
         Š Š the product’s packaging is made of recyclable     Š Š surfaces
         Š Š material                                          Š Š anti-static and non-flammable
         Š Š the used cleaning agent does not contain          Š Š recommended to use with VICTORIA
         Š Š harmfuor ecologically toxic chemicals             Š Š (TTIVKE) cleaning wipes
            product                pcs/pack          order code  product                                  order code
          B  universacleaning wipes  100              TTIVUNG   B  antistic cleaning foam                  TTIVHAB

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