Page 45 - victoria_kat_2016_cz_crop
P. 45

„GVZ-991” scientific calculator                       „GVT-730” scientific calculator
                                                                                                                     DESKTOP ACCESSORIES

         Š Š 403 functions
         Š Š 10+2 digit two-line dot matrix display
         Š Š CALC (temporary formula memory )                  Š Š 139 functions
         Š Š calculations with fractions                       Š Š 10+2-digit display
         Š Š trigonometric calculations                        Š Š memory
         Š Š angle converter                                   Š Š calculations with fractions
         Š Š permutation and combination                       Š Š trigonometric calculations
         Š Š statisticacalculations                            Š Š angle converter
         Š Š error correction                                  Š Š permutation and combination
         Š Š logicaoperations                                  Š Š statisticacalculations
         Š Š equation calculations                             Š Š error correction
         Š Š Integra, differentiacalculus                      Š Š automatic shutdown
         Š Š automatic shutdown                                Š Š hard, sliding case
         Š Š hard, sliding case                                Š Š size: 78 × 147 × 22 mm
         Š Š size: 78 × 147 × 22 mm                            Š Š operates with 2 pcs of AA battery
         Š Š operates with solar cel+ 1 pcs of AA battery      Š Š (included)
            product                                  order code  product                                  order code
          A  „GVT-991MS” scientific calculator        GVT991    B  „GVT-730” scientific calculator          GVT730

         „GVT-736” scientific calculator                       „GVT-742CQ” scientific calculator

         Š Š 283 functions
         Š Š two-line display
         Š Š 79-step sequence of operations
         Š Š statisticaand regression calculations
         Š Š linear quadratic and cubic equations              Š Š 283 functions
         Š Š logicacalculations (in decimal, octal,            Š Š two-line display
         Š Š senary and binary numerasystems)                  Š Š 9 memories
         Š Š co-ordinate transformations                       Š Š hyperbolic function
         Š Š operations with fractions and complex             Š Š trigonometric calculations
         Š Š numbers                                           Š Š formula memory
         Š Š permutation, combination                          Š Š logicacalculations
         Š Š integration                                       Š Š deviation and regression calculations
         Š Š 8 stored/retrievable steps                        Š Š equation solving
         Š Š hard, sliding case                                Š Š integration
         Š Š size: 83 × 161 × 20 mm                            Š Š hard, sliding case
         Š Š mercury-free battery                              Š Š size: 80 × 160 × 19 mm
         Š Š operates with 1 pc of CR2025 battery              Š Š operates with 1 pc of CR2025
         Š Š (included)                                         battery (included)
            product                                  order code  product                                  order code
          C  „GVT-736” scientific calculator          GVT736   D  „GVT-742CQ” scientific calculator        GVT742CQ

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