Page 55 - victoria_kat_2016_cz_crop
P. 55


         Š Š special, lacquered surface
         Š Š polished aluminum frame                                                                                 PRESENTATION
         Š Š writings made with board marker
         Š Š can be wiped-off dry
         Š Š can be mounted vertically and horizontally
         Š Š 5-year guarantee for the surface layer
         Š Š pencitray and fi × ing accessories are
         Š Š included
            product                       size (cm)  order code
          A1 whiteboard                    60 × 90     VVII01
          A2 whiteboard                    90 × 120    VVII02
          A3 whiteboard                    90 × 180    VVII03
          A4 magnetic whiteboard           45 × 60    VVIM01
          A5 magnetic whiteboard           60 × 90    VVIM02
          A6 magnetic whiteboard           90 × 120   VVIM03
          A7 magnetic whiteboard           90 × 180   VVIM04
          A8 magnetic whiteboard          100 × 100   VVIM05
          A9 magnetic whiteboard          100 × 150   VVIM06
         A10 magnetic whiteboard          120 × 180   VVIM07
         A11 magnetic whiteboard          100 × 200   VVIM08
         A12 magnetic whiteboard          120 × 240   VVIM09


         Š Š magnetic, steesurface calcined at 800 C°   Š Š moderate reflection
         Š Š writings made with board marker   Š Š 25-year guarantee for the surface layer
          can be wiped-off dry     Š Š durable aluminum frame with grey
         Š Š especially smooth, scratch-resistant surface  rounded corner guards
         Š Š wide, grey pencitray  Š Š accessories needed for fi × ing are included
            product                       size (cm)  order code
          B1 magnetic whiteboard           60 × 90     VVIZ01
          B2 magnetic whiteboard           90 × 120    VVIZ02
          B3 magnetic whiteboard          100 × 100    VVIZ03
          B4 magnetic whiteboard           90 × 180    VVIZ04
          B5 magnetic whiteboard          100 × 150    VVIZ05
          B6 magnetic whiteboard          100 × 200    VVIZ06
          B7 magnetic whiteboard          120 × 240    VVIZ07
          B8 magnetic whiteboard          120 × 180    VVIZ08
          B9 magnetic whiteboard          120 × 200    VVIZ09

         Stíratelné bílé tabule s                              Magnetické stíratelné bílé Whiteboards,
         Whiteboards with wooden frame                         Magnetic whiteboards with wooden frame

                                                               Š Š writings made with board
                                                                marker can be wiped-off dry
                                                               Š Š with the help of magnets,
         Š Š writings made with board                           sheets can be fi × ed on
          marker can be wiped-off dry                           the magnetic surface
         Š Š accessories: screws needed                        Š Š accessories: screws needed for
          for fi × ing, 1 pc board marker                       fi × ing, 1 pc board marker
            product                      size (cm)   order code  product                       size (cm)  order code
          C1 whiteboard                   30 × 40       VVI1   D1 magnetic whiteboard          30×40         VVI4
          C2 whiteboard                   40 × 60       VVI2   D2 magnetic whiteboard          40×60         VVI5
          C3 whiteboard                   60 × 90       VVI3   D3 magnetic whiteboard          60×90         VVI6

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