Page 49 - victoria_kat_2016_cz_crop
P. 49



         Inflammable airdusters

                                                               Rotatable airduster


                                                               Š Š rotatable dust gun
                                                               Š Š you can use it even upside down
                                                               Š Š wide range of possible applications

                                                                  product             capacity (ml)        order code
                                                                B  rotatable airduster  200                TTIVLEV200
          Š Š suitable for cleaning dust, dirt and
          Š Š contaminations from the narrowest places
          Š Š contains inflammable gas,
           use it only with outof-
          Š Š use devices
          Š Š an economicasolution
            product              capacity (ml)       order code
          A1 airduster             400              TTIVLEV400GY
          A2 airduster             750               TTIVLEV750
          Non-flammable airdusters                                       C1

          Š Š contains non-flammable compressed gas
          Š Š excellent for removing dust and
           other contaminations
          Š Š for cleaning the hardly accessible
           parts of electric
          Š Š devices and machines
            product               capacity (ml)      order code
          C1 airduster              285 ml           TTIVLEV300
          C2 airduster              342 ml           TTIVLEV400

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